Our NEW address: 5211 Cypress Spring Dr, Missouri City, TX,77459

Illuminating the Path to Profit.
Upgrade your jewelry showcase lighting with the newest, brightest and highest color rendering lighting.

800 839 3604
Our lighting specialists will walk you through
our lighting consultation program

Professional Lighting Surveys
We collect photometric data and examine the condition of existing light fixtures from your jewelry store.

Custom Design Lighting Solutions
We develop and implement better interior lighting solution in different areas of the store (CRI, Foot candles, CCT)

Turnkey Lighting Installation
Our specialists are ready to install showcase lighting in your jewelry showcases. All you have to do is to contact us and we will organize a free consultation.

Since 1994, Eastern Lighting has been serving the lighting needs of the jewelry industry. For over two decades, we have been sourcing and developing products and solutions designed to overcome challenges that are unique to the retail jewelry environment. We understand that each jewelry store has its own style and personality. For this reason, we listen carefully to the concerns of our clients, and when possible, prefer to visit their stores so that we can evaluate the existing lighting before making recommendations. Lighting is one of the most important, yet frequently overlooked, factors effecting retail jewelry sales. In today’s challenging retail environment, jewelry store owners can’t afford to overlook the importance of lighting. Put our experienced team to work for you!

Las Vegas, NV

Waco, TX

Corpus Christ, TX

Consulting Services
We will send samples after the consultation for you to examine. We guarantee your satisfaction. Call today or fill out the form below
Our Office
5211 Cypress Spring Drive,
Missouri City, TX 77459
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